The first meeting of the Mt. Major SC was held on Monday, September 21. It was a 'by invitation' only meeting.
Going forth we will be holding our monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month (at 6 PM) at JP China. (JP China is no longer open on Tuesdays.)
We have many trail improvements planned for this fall. Work schedules will be emailed if available. Please get out and do a little trail clearing. There are too many miles of trails for just a few people to maintain.
There has been a minor reroute of Corr. Trail 22 and Trail B, as well as the discontinuation of a few smaller trails on the Roberts (old Bergeron) property. Please follow the signs. We ask that you respect their request for us to stay away from the house.
We are desperately in need of income. Please consider a donation in addition to your membership. Fundraising helps us cover expenses such as:
Fuel used last year, $2300. Insurance, $3826. Tucker tracks, $5835. Tucker lease, $751.00 per month. Bridge installation and repair, $2500.
