The next meeting of the Mt Major Snowmobile Club will be on Tuesday, December 12, at 6 PM, at the American Legion Post on Rt 28. Please try to attend. Your input is important!
We are looking for people who would be willing to help us groom the trails. Someone for 305 is desperately needed. Let us know if you are interested.
Trail work has been done as best as the few people who actually participate can do. There is more that is still needed. Having a pristine trail is very difficult when no one wants to do the work. Thank you to all who have sent in their membership renewal and additional donations. These donations are important. The memberships barely cover what we pay for insurance each year.
Irwin Marine will be having their annual open house on Saturday, December 9. I will be there in the morning if you want to stop by to do your membership. We also have a few NHSA Super Raffle tickets available if you are interested in purchasing any.. Leslie