The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM with 10 members present.
There was no cash report due to absence of Treasurer.
The minutes of last month’s meeting were reviewed, and on a motion by Bruce W., approved.
Grant in Aid- Summer- $17505 for new tracks. Payment has been received from DRED.
Winter - The first grooming bill ($1964.90) has been sent in. 36.4 hours of grooming have been done.
Website - Our new website is functional. It needs input from people. We must figure out how to do this.
Maps - No progress. An SOS has been sent to the members to ask if anyone has any expertise in making maps.
Fund raising- Denise W. has proposed a format and was given the OK to continue. Leslie will work on making tickets and flyers. Tickets will be a donation of $20.00 each with a maximum of 500 tickets to be offered. Larry B. and John M. have confirmed a few stores who agreed to sell them. A few more locations are needed, as well as on-line sales. Coyote Creek has agreed to handle the gun transfer.
NHSA raffle ticket stubs and payment have been delivered to the NHSA.
It was approved to spend up to $50.00 for our donation to the Eater Seal Ride-In County basket.
Land owner permissions- Verbal and/or written permission has been obtained from all new land owners except one. John M. is still attempting to contact them.
Groomer reports- New tracks are installed on Tucker. Maintenance has been done. New cutting blades are installed.
Fuel tank has been moved to Bucky’s house and 500 gallons of fuel received. Electricity has been provided.
Trail reports- There are trees down everywhere from the storm. A valiant effort was made by many members to clear them after the snow storm. Now that the snow has melted it has uncovered all that was buried in snow.
Corr. trail ‘22’- A reroute has been done on the Steele’s old property. A few old signs still need to be removed.
The bridge over Coffin Brook has been redecked. Wear strips are still needed for the main portion of the bridge. They have been installed on the ramp.
Primary Trail 305- John M. has recleaned a large portion of the trail. He will continue. He needs 9 boards for a bridge.
Trail D - A bridge between Rand Hill Rd and Jesus Valley Rd will need to be redecked next year. Due to a notification by a land owner that the trail may be shut down on their property at random times it was voted to pursue a reroute off their property next year.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M.