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January Meeting

Writer's picture: mountmajorscmountmajorsc

The next meeting of The Mt. Major Snowmobile Club will be on Tuesday, January 10, at 6 PM, at Foster's Tavern in Alton Bay.

I have sent this notice a little late but I wanted to be able to include current snow conditions. Where I am we received only about 2 inches of snow in this last storm. It appears that about 1 1/2 inches are still there today.

In 2 previous storms our trails, which were in pretty good shape, became covered in fallen trees, water spots, and water runoff ruts. Through hard work done by many people the trails have been mostly cleared. There are some trails which have not yet been done.

We have received a communication from the Minge Cove Marina. They state that new 'ice-eaters' will be used in the marina area. Access to the Lake will not be possible through the marina and they have put up signs. The way this winter is going, accessing the big lake there might be a mute point.

If you would like to read the draft minutes of the last meeting, they are below:

Mount Major Snowmobile Club

Minutes of the meeting- December 13, 2022

The meeting was held at Foster’s Tavern and called to order at 6:09 PM with 10 members present.

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and, on a motion by Mark S., approved.

The cash report was discussed and, on a motion by Denise W., approved.

Mark Straubel has attended the chain saw training class and is now our club’s intermediate sawyer.

Grant in Aid- Summer- Pat has begun installing the lights on the UTV. He cannot finish until Gary can figure out if we will be getting the proper color cowl. The drag from JB in Maine is due to be picked up by Pat this week. $8505.00 is still due upon receipt.

Winter grooming grant- We have been awarded $23,036.20 from the DNCR. Our rates are $67.10/hr for the Tucker and $59.10/hr for the Tracker and UTV. Leslie was able to get the DNCR to change the class for the UTV from a class 2 to a class 4.

Fundraising- We will be selling trail sponsorships again. The price will be $150.00 per sign. We have received 8 so far. The signs will be put up as requested or at high visibility locations. Denise is organizing this. If you are interested you can contact her at We will also be holding our super St. Patty’s Day raffle. Details still need to be arranged. Denise has gotten some donations to be used as prizes. John M. will speak to Renaissance Firearms about getting a gun. Signs will be placed on our groomer drags for $250.00. Only one has been purchased. We will also use these signs to thank are club supporters. Pat looked into Custom Ink and AMI Graphics for sign design. It was approved to allot $200.00 for any set up fee. Pat has reported that the signs will cost much more than this. Pat was not at meeting so there was no further discussion.

Groomers- Fuel for the Tucker has been purchased.

Tucker- Maintenance status is unknown.

Tracker- Work progress is unknown. Larry B was not at meeting.

Trail reports- There is a lot of water on all trails. The wind storms have brought down many additional trees. The trails have mostly been checked and rechecked but not all.

22- The beaver clog has been cleared by Pat.

Primary Trail 305- There is a large rock which was pulled onto trail during logging. Hillsgrove has said that he will take care of it. Unknown if he has done so. John will be installing markers at the corners of the 2 bridges in the swamp.

Trail D-

Trail E-

Trail M- We should look into a minor change to eliminate a hair pin turn.

Trail A- It has not been checked where it is on Alton Water Dept. land.

Others- White trail seems to have a small new pond.

Work details-

The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 P.M.

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